
Friday, 3 November 2017

Changing the laws on fireworks

With the fireworks starting as bonfire night is approaching there has been a petition circulating around. This petition is to stop unauthorised firework displays such as back garden fireworks. This has come around due to the amount of distress it's causing animals when their owners aren't notified and are able to prepare themselves and the animals before hand. 

Personally I feel that this petition is something that everyone should be signing, and not only horse owners all animal owners. It's not only horses that are getting distressed from the random firework bangs and noises, dogs and cats are too. Owners who like to have their animals kept in for the fireworks, when the bangs are at random and days before bonfire night this cannot be done. 

Over the years I have had to see many pictures on Facebook of the consequences people have had to deal with from others actions. I've seen barns been burnt down which has been full of peoples winter stock of hay and straw due to a firework landing on it, I've also seen this happen from chinese lanterns. These people do not only lose out on the money they have spent for the winter stock they have to rebuy again and build their barns back up for storage. The other day I seen a picture of an aborted foal in the field due to the stress fireworks caused the mother. This isn't seen as a financial loss like the barns but more of an emotional one as it was only just forming. I've heard of horses loosing eyes because of fireworks, being burnt etc. I'm not going to add any images here because they can be distressing for some, but I'm hoping if you're an animal owner or even just a lover you will sign this Petition to finally get something done. Currently there is just under 30,000 signatures on it but to make the government consider a change in a debate we need 100,000 signatures. We have until April 2018 to get all of these and I'm hoping it will make a change for next years bonfire night. 


  1. Definitely signing this! Something needs to be done.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
