Christmas Gift Ideas Part 2

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The first product that would be a great Christmas gift is the Leroy & Bongo 2018 horsey life planner. This is great as you get to add information such as stable name, height, age etc at the front. You then can add in your yearly goals as well as monthly goals. There are sections to add in when you have your next lesson, show etc. There's a packing list, which would be great if you go out to a lot of shows. There's a great section where you can track what feed and supplements your horse is on and you can track their weight. This is a great diary to have for only £20.00. These also come in a variety of different colours.

These HyFashion bobble hats would be great to receive as a gift this time of year as it's getting a lot colder recently. These would be great to add some style to mucking out to even wear daily. These are great for £16.19

This belt is great to add a little bit of equestrian to your daily style or even to wear riding with your breeches. This Caldene Saran Leather belt would be a great present to have under the tree. This comes in navy or tan for just £21.57. 

These Dublin Snoods will be great for this time of the year keeping your neck and ears warm. I've seen these snoods and the fleece inside is so soft and would be great to snuggle in. As it's so soft it will keep you so warm. These come in 4 colours and are just £12.39 at the moment. This is a great price as I've seen them at £17+ everywhere else. I'm even tempted as ask for one for Christmas myself at this price. 

The Last item on the gift ideas list is the Masterclip Showmate cordless trimmer. This is something I've recently been looking at for Legacy. I've read by some people that these can be used to clip the body and as Legacy only has fine hair I was thinking about this to do just a little bit more than a bib clip on her. I've only heard great results from these when people use them to trim the face and feathers. I think for the price of these of £59.99 these are great to have for that, and especially if you have a horse whose not keen on clippers, these would be great for it to slowly get used to it. These also come in pink and green. 


  1. These are amazing gifts! I am actually gifting a rug buckle protector(chest area) with a name embroided on it.

    1. Aww that's a lovely unique gift, never heard of something like that :)

  2. I think I may be the only equestrian without a pom pom hat! I really should just get one already, they are so cute.

    1. I definitely think you must be haha. Maybe a must on the Christmas list?


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